
Day One: Afternoon

Well I spent the rest of my morning contemplating who would have the balls to put me here (not the first time that crossed my mind, but the first time I dug deep and thought about it) and came up with a short list.

Charlene – Hell hath no fury and that pre-nup scorned her pretty damn good. Considering the sway that her dear old dad has, getting the muscle to do it wouldn’t have been difficult.

Juan – My last partner and probably the best damn security expert I’ve known. He was probably more than a little hurt that his cut on our last take was short seven figures, but I had bills to pay.

Ivan – Not his real name, not that anyone knows what that is, but he’s the last reason I ever want to work with the Russians again. He stuck it to me and so I stuck back. He may figure that it’s his turn.

Now there are at least five or six other people or groups of people that would like to see me staked out on an ant hill, but most of them are too busy or straightforward in their desire to see me dead to pull some weird stunt like this.

Saw an airplane after lunch put I don’t have anything to signal with. Priority for later today is to build one of those signal fires. I’m starting to feel like I’m on Gilligan’s Fucking Island, but just my luck, no Mary Anne. Fortunately my captors did leave me an axe and plenty of matches and there are plenty of trees to chop down, but I’ve never chopped anything in my life.

Oh and on that note the things “benefactors” left me:

Food – This in the form of high end freeze-dried hiking grub.
Water – Three large drums and there is a stream that I’m sure will provide what I need should that run out. No Dewar’s though. This is Hell.
Tools – Axe, shovel, big ass knife.
First Aid Kit
A parachute – Used this to make my shelter.
Paper and pens
One copy of Robinson Crusoe – They have a sense of humor and that’s part of my inspiration for this diary.

Today I’m going to explore and get a sense of what’s in the middle of this island. Hopefully no huge, rabid boar gods but I’m carrying that Arkansas toothpick just in case.


Blogger Scott Roche said...

Be still my heart, A READER!!

10:22 AM  

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